Planet Igalia Chromium

March 04, 2025

Abhijeet Kandalkar

Testing WebXR on Windows

WebXR on Windows

It started with my need to debug Chromium’s implementation of OpenXR. I wanted to understand how Chromium interfaces with OpenXR APIs. However, I noticed that only the Android and Windows ports of Chromium currently support OpenXR bindings. Since I needed to debug a desktop implementation, Windows was the only viable option. Additionally, I did not have access to a physical XR device, so I explored whether a simulator or emulator environment could be used to test WebXR support for websites.

Understanding WebXR and OpenXR

Before diving into implementation details, it’s useful to understand what WebXR and OpenXR are and how they differ.

WebXR is a web standard that enables immersive experiences, such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), in web browsers. It allows developers to create XR content using JavaScript and run it directly in a browser without requiring platform-specific applications.

OpenXR is a cross-platform API standard developed by the Khronos Group, designed to unify access to different XR hardware and software. It provides a common interface for VR and AR devices, ensuring interoperability across different platforms and vendors.

The key difference is that WebXR is a high-level API used by web applications to access XR experiences, whereas OpenXR is a low-level API used by platforms and engines to communicate with XR hardware. WebXR implementations, such as the one in Chromium use OpenXR as the backend to interact with different XR runtimes.

Chromium OpenXR Implementation

Chromium’s OpenXR implementation, which interacts with the platform-specific OpenXR runtime, is located in the device/vr/ directory. WebXR code interacts with this device/vr/ OpenXR implementation, which abstracts WebXR features across multiple platforms.

WebXR ---> device/vr/ ---> OpenXR API ---> OpenXR runtime

Installing OpenXR Runtime

To run OpenXR on Windows, you need to install an OpenXR runtime. You can download and install OpenXR Tools for Windows Mixed Reality from the Microsoft App Store:

OpenXR Tools for Windows Mixed Reality

If it is not available on your machine, you can enable it from the OpenXR Runtime tab in the application.

Installing Microsoft Mixed Reality Simulator

To set up a simulated environment for WebXR testing, follow these steps:

  1. Install Mixed Reality Portal from the Microsoft App Store.
  2. Follow the official Microsoft guide on enabling the Mixed Reality simulator: Using the Windows Mixed Reality Simulator

If you encounter hardware compatibility errors, refer to the troubleshooting steps in the guide below.

Connecting Chromium to OpenXR Implementation

Chromium provides a flag to select the OpenXR implementation.

  1. Open Chrome and navigate to:
  2. Set the flag to OpenXR.

This enables Chromium to use the OpenXR runtime for WebXR applications.

Launch WebVR application

Launch chromium and Open :



When we call navigator.xr.requestSession("immersive-vr"); from Javascript, below call stack get triggered.



With this setup, you can explore and debug WebXR applications on Windows even without a physical VR headset. The combination of Chromium’s OpenXR implementation and Microsoft’s Mixed Reality Simulator provides a practical way to test WebXR features and interactions.

If you’re interested in further experimenting, try developing a simple WebXR scene to validate your setup! Additionally, we plan to post more about Chromium’s architecture on OpenXR and will link those posts here once they are ready.

March 04, 2025 06:30 PM

February 20, 2025

Maksim Sisov

Bisecting Electron with Electron/Fiddle.

  1. Electron Fiddle
  2. Electron Releases

Recently, I have been working on an issue in Electron, which required bisecting and finding the exact version of Electron, when the regression happened.

A quick research did not reveal any guides, but as my search was progressing, I found one interesting commit - feat: add Bisect helper.

Electron Fiddle

Fiddle is an Electron playground that allows developers to experiment with Electron APIs. It has a quick startup template, which you can change as you wish. You can save fiddle locally or as a GitHub Gist, which can be shared with anyone by just entering the Gist URL in the address bar.

Moreover, you can choose what Electron version you wish to use - from stable to nightly releases.


Electron Releases

You can run fiddle using any version of Electron you wish - either stable, beta, or nightly. One can either run fiddle with obsolete versions, which is super great when comparing behaviour between different versions.

An option to choose the version of the Electron can be found at the top-left corner of the Fiddle window.

Once pressed, you can use filter to choose any Electron version you wish.

However, you may not find beta or nightly versions in the filter. For that, go to Settings (a gear icon on the left of the filter), then Electron, and select the desired channels.

Now, you can access all the available Electron versions and try any of them on the fly.

I hope this small guide helps you to triage your Electron problems :)))

by Maksim Sisov ( at February 20, 2025 12:00 AM

February 19, 2025

Nick Yamane

Chromium Ozone/Wayland: The Last Mile Stretch

Hey there! I’m glad to finally start paying my blogging debt :) as this is something I’ve been planning to do for quite some time now. To get the ball rolling, I’ve shared some bits about me in my very first blog post Olá Mundo.

In this article, I’m going to walk through what we’ve been working on since last year in the Chromium Ozone/Wayland project, on which I’ve been involved (directly or indirectly) since I’ve joined Igalia back in 2018.

by (Nick Yamane) at February 19, 2025 01:00 PM

Manuel Rego

Announcing the Web Engines Hackfest 2025

Igalia is arranging the twelfth annual Web Engines Hackfest, which will be held on Monday 2nd June through Wednesday 4th June. As usual, this is a hybrid event, at Palexco in A Coruña (Galicia, Spain) as well as remotely.

Registration is now open:

Picture of sunset in A Coruña from June 2024 at Riazor beach where the whole Orzán bay can be seen.
Sunset in A Coruña from Riazor beach (June 2024)

The Web Engines Hackfest is an event where folks working on various parts of the web platform gather for a few days to share knowledge and discuss a variety of topics. These topics include web standards, browser engines, JavaScript engines, and all the related technology around them. Last year, we had eight talks (watch them on YouTube) and 15 breakout sessions (read them on GitHub).

A wide range of experts with a diverse set of profiles and skills attend each year, so if you are working on the web platform, this event is a great opportunity to chat with people that are both developing the standards and working on the implementations. We’re really grateful for all the people that regularly join us for this event; you are the ones that make this event something useful and interesting for everyone! 🙏

Really enjoying Web Engines Hackfest by @igalia once again. Recommended for everyone interested in web technology.

— Anne van Kesteren ( June 05, 2024

The breakout sessions are probably the most interesting part of the event. Many different topics are discussed there, from high-level issues like how to build a new feature for the web platform, to lower-level efforts like the new WebKit SDK container. Together with the hallway discussions and impromptu meetings, the Web Engines Hackfest is an invaluable experience.

Talk by Stephanie Stimac about Sustainable Futures in the Web Engines Hackfest 2024

Big shout-out to Igalia for organising the Web Engines Hackfest every year since 2014, as well as the original WebKitGTK+ Hackfest starting in 2009. The event has grown and we’re now close to 100 onsite participants with representation from all major browser vendors. If your organization is interested in helping make this event possible, please contact us regarding our sponsorship options.

See you all in June!

February 19, 2025 07:55 AM

February 18, 2025

Maksim Sisov

Unmasking Hidden Floating-Point Errors in Chromium’s Ozone/Wayland.

  1. The IEEE 754 Standard and Floating-Point Imprecision
  2. How the libwayland Update Exposed the Issue
  3. Chromium’s Targeted Fix: RoundToNearestThousandth

Floating-point arithmetic under the IEEE 754 standard introduces subtle precision errors due to the inherent limitations of representing decimal numbers in binary form. In graphical applications like Chromium, even tiny discrepancies can manifest as rendering inconsistencies. Recent updates in libwayland’s conversion routines have uncovered such a floating-point precision issue in Chromium’s Ozone/Wayland layer—one that was previously masked by legacy conversion behavior.

The IEEE 754 Standard and Floating-Point Imprecision

The IEEE 754 standard governs how floating-point numbers are represented and manipulated in most modern computing systems. Because many decimals (for example, 0.2) cannot be exactly represented in binary being limited to 32 or 64 bits, their results are actually stored as approximations.

This limited precision means that arithmetic operations can introduce small errors. In many cases, these errors are negligible, but in precision-sensitive environments like graphical rendering, even minor inaccuracies can lead to visible artifacts.

The standard has 3 basic components:

  • The Sign of Mantissa - in other words, the sign bit.
  • The Biased exponent - this field is designed to encode both positive and negative values by adding a fixed bias to the actual exponent, thereby converting it into a non-negative stored form.
  • The Normalised Mantissa - this component represents the significant digits of a number in scientific or floating-point notation. In normalized form, the mantissa is adjusted so that only one nonzero digit—specifically, a single “1”—appears immediately to the left of the decimal point.

Consider the number 0.2. Its binary representation is an infinitely repeating fraction:

0.2 = 0.0011 0011 0011 … (in binary)

Note that the pattern of 0011 repeats indefinitely.

If 0.2 is represented in the IEEE 754 form (32 bits), it takes the following form -

0 01111101 10011001100110011001101

As a result, the repeating nature of these binary representations leads to approximation and precision challenges when dealing with floating-point arithmetics.

0.1 + 0.2 != 0.3

How the libwayland Update Exposed the Issue

Libwayland historically provided a utility to convert integer values into a fixed-point format (wl_fixed) for use in various graphical calculations. However, it carried an unintended side effect: an implicit rounding of the result. This rounding acted as a “safety net,” smoothing over the small imprecisions that naturally occur with floating-point arithmetic.

An update to libwayland refined the conversion routine by making it more precise. The function responsible for converting floating-point values to fixed-point values — commonly used in operations like wl_fixed_to_double — no longer introduced the implicit rounding that was part of the old implementation. With this improved precision, the floating-point discrepancies, previously hidden by the rounding effect, began to surface in the Chromium Ozone/Wayland layer, causing subtle yet noticeable differences in viewport calculations.

Chromium’s Targeted Fix: RoundToNearestThousandth

To restore consistency in graphical rendering following the libwayland update, we needed to address the newly exposed precision error. In commit 6187087, the solution was to reintroduce rounding explicitly within the Ozone/Wayland layer. It was decided to implement a utility function named RoundToNearestThousandth to round the viewport source value to the nearest thousandth. This explicit rounding step effectively recreates the smoothing effect that the old implicit conversion provided, ensuring that minor floating-point errors do not result in visible inconsistencies.

By aligning the rounding behavior of the Ozone/Wayland component with that of Chromium’s cc/viz module, the fix ensures consistent and reliable rendering across the browser’s graphical stack. This deliberate approach to handling floating-point imprecision highlights the importance of explicit error management in complex software systems.

by Maksim Sisov ( at February 18, 2025 12:00 AM

February 17, 2025

Max Ihlenfeldt

Storing and viewing local test results in ResultDB

Get the same nice graphical view of your local test results as for CQ tests!

February 17, 2025 12:00 AM

February 12, 2025

Max Ihlenfeldt

Implementing fallback tab dragging for Wayland in Chromium

Fallback tab dragging shipped in Chromium 133! Let't take a look at the problem it solves, how it works, and why it took so long to ship.

February 12, 2025 12:00 AM

January 29, 2025

Max Ihlenfeldt

Manually triggering Swarming tasks

Let's take a closer look at the different parts working together in the background to make Swarming work!

January 29, 2025 12:00 AM

January 02, 2025

Orko Garai

What is an Input Method Editor?

I’ve been working on chromium input method editor integration for linux wayland at Igalia over the past several months, and I thought I’d share some insights I’ve gained along the way and some highlights from my work.

This is the first in a series of blog posts about input method editors, or IME in short. Here I will try to explain what an IME really is at a high level before diving deeper into some of the technical details of IME support in linux and chromium in upcoming posts.

January 02, 2025 06:29 PM

December 21, 2024

Orko Garai

About Me

Excited to get started on my blogging journey!

I’ve been planning to get this going for a while, and finally got around to it during the Christmas break :) .

Here’s a little bit about me…

I started working at Igalia a little over a year ago, after having decided I really wanted to work in open source software, and contributing to the chromium project was a natural choice, having worked on it previously. Igalia as a company doesn’t need any introductions in the open source community, and so I ended up here and have the privilege to be working with some amazing people, and getting to learn a lot.

December 21, 2024 06:19 AM

December 10, 2024

Nick Yamane

Olá, mundo!

Hello, world!

Greetings from far north of Brazil! My name is Nick Diego Yamane. I’m originally from Maués, a small town that sits in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Since 2002, I live in Manaus, from where I work remotely for Igalia, a spanish flat worker-owned consultancy specialized in core open source technologies. I’m part of its amazing Chromium team since 2018, along with other talented people spread around the world.

by (Nick Yamane) at December 10, 2024 11:40 PM

December 04, 2024

Tiago Vignatti

Using Chromium for Building Apps (2025)

Instead of using Chromium for browsing the Web, let’s explore how to use it for building applications.

Chromium is open-source and its codebase is organized in components which can be used for many different purposes. For example, Chromium is used for building browsers other than Chrome like Edge, Brave, Vivaldi, among others. You may also be familiarized with V8, the Chromium JavaScript engine that may be used to power scripting on server-side, like Node.js and Deno.

by Author at December 04, 2024 01:36 PM

December 03, 2024

Max Ihlenfeldt

Using Swarming to run Chromium test suites

Learn how to run big Chromium test suites without sacrificing valuable local CPU cycles using this one simple trick!

December 03, 2024 12:00 AM

November 19, 2024

Tiago Vignatti

Good fortune 복

Last week, we talked about Chrome, Google’s browser.

We discussed open technologies, cooperativism, and Chromium’s governance with a focus on a transparent future. We talked about the development of browser variants, its use on different platforms, and how we will approach Generative AI in Chrome.

It has also been great to be surrounded by amazing friends in Seoul. Feeling lucky and grateful for the Koreans! 🙏

by Author at November 19, 2024 03:00 PM